Permission to overfly/land on Austrian territory with foreign state aircraft

Aircraft used in military services

In accordance with the amended Austrian Aviation Act effective from Oct 1st, 2013 the Ministry of Defence and Sports is the competent authority for military flight requests. Therefore, please note that for all future military flight requests the Ministry of Defence and Sports is the primary point of contact:

Austrian Ministry of Defence
Rossauer Lände 1
1090 Vienna

Tel. Attaché and Protocol Division: +43 5020110-25312
Tel. Military Aviation Division: +43 5020110-24308, 24309
Fax: +43 5020110-17041

Further information can be found in AIP Supplement 001/21.
Requests submitted to Austro Control GmbH will not be processed or forwarded.


Aircraft used in customs or police services

Overflights over and/or landings on Austrian territory by other foreign state aircraft (aircraft used in customs or police services) are still subject to an individual approval procedure by Austro Control GmbH. The permission may only be granted by Austro Control GmbH with the agreement of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

For easier processing of applications applicants are requested to exclusively use the application form below.

Applications for overflights and/or landings of foreign state aircraft used in customs or police services should be submitted at least five days prior to the scheduled flight to

  • Austro Control GmbH (fax: +43 5 1703-76 or )
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior (fax: +43 1 53126-6270 or )
  • Mr. Peter Weichselbaum  and in copy
  • Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (fax: +43 1 501159-326 or ). 




Ursula Presslaber
Fax: +43 51703 7086
All Contacts

State Aircraft Flight Approvals

Title / SubjectNo.Versionvalid from
Application form1.02022-05-1010.05.2022