Maintenance of each aircraft (except parachutes and hang-respectively para glider) shall be organised in accordance with an aircraft maintenance programme.
The aircraft maintenance programme establishes the measures to be taken to ensure that airworthiness of an aircraft is maintained, including maintenance. The aircraft maintenance programme shall contain details of all maintenance to be carried out and shall be subject to periodic reviews and amended accordingly when necessary.
The aircraft maintenance programme must establish compliance with:
The aircraft maintenance programme must establish compliance with:
- instructions for continuing airworthiness issued by the holders of the type-certificate, restricted type-certificate, supplemental type-certificate, major repair design approval, ETSO authorization or any other relevant approval, such as
- Maintenance Review Board Report (MRBR)
- Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)
- Operations Manual (wie AMM, EMM, ...)
- Service Life Limits (LL)
- Airworthiness Limitations (ALI)
- additional instructions for continuing airworthiness due to changes/modifications to the aircraft (e.g. STC, EMZ, EB, ...)
- zusadditional instructions for continuing airworthiness due to repairs
- technical bulletins (SB, SL,TM, ...)
- operational requirements (e.g. ETOPS, LOVA, ...)
- instructions and notices issued by the competent authority, e.g.
- Airworthiness Directives (AD)
- National Airworthiness Directives (LTA)
- Airworthiness Notices (LTH)
- Safety Information Bulletins (SIB)
- additional or alternative instructions proposed by the owner or the continuing airworthiness management organization once approved in accordance with point M.A.302 or ML.A.302
- the minimum inspection programme in accordance with ML.A.302 (d)
The requirements for aircraft maintenance programmes are covered by:

Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Part-M is applicable for:
** Complex motor-powered aircraft shall mean acc. Regulation (EU) 2018/1139:
- with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5.700 kg or
- certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than 19 or
- certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least 2 pilots or
- equipped with 1 or more turbojet engine(s) or
- equipped with 2 or more turboprop engines
acc. Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)
- with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 3.175 kg or
- certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than 9 or
- certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least 2 pilots or
acc. Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)
Tilt rotor aircraft
Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Part-ML is applicable for:
Aircraft which are operated under a Permit to Fly do not need a separate maintenance programme; the maintenance requirements are defined in the Permit to Fly.
- Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 for all EASA aircraft
- ZLLV 2010 for all aircraft according Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139
Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Part-M is applicable for:
- aircraft used in commercial air transport operations (Part-CAT)*,
- complex motor-powered aircraft (Part-NCC)**,
- aeroplanes of more than 2.730 kg maximum take-off mass,
- rotorcraft of more than 1.200 kg maximum take-off mass,
** Complex motor-powered aircraft shall mean acc. Regulation (EU) 2018/1139:
- with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5.700 kg or
- certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than 19 or
- certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least 2 pilots or
- equipped with 1 or more turbojet engine(s) or
- equipped with 2 or more turboprop engines
acc. Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)
- with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 3.175 kg or
- certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than 9 or
- certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least 2 pilots or
acc. Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)
Tilt rotor aircraft
Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Part-ML is applicable for:
- aeroplanes of 2.730 kg maximum take-off mass or less,
- rotorcraft of 1.200 kg maximum take-off mass or less, certified for a maximum of up to 4 occupants, as well as
- sailplanes, balloons, powered sailplanes and
- other ELA2 aircraft
- national aircraft according Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139,
- manned aeroplanes or helicopters which have no more than two seats and a maximum take-off mass of no more than 600 kg (650 kg for aeroplaes intended to be operated on water) according Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 Art. 2 (8) (Opt Out)
Aircraft which are operated under a Permit to Fly do not need a separate maintenance programme; the maintenance requirements are defined in the Permit to Fly.
Maintenance Programme (IHP) for
Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) for
The application for the approval of an aircraft maintenance programme shall be submitted to the relevant department of Austro Control GmbH or , accompanied by the following documents:
Template Maintenance Programme Part-M
The Maintenance Programm (IHP) and all subsequent revisions must be approved
The Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) and all subsequent revisions must be
(Only applicable when both the aircraft and the CAMO / CAO are under supervision by the same EASA member state)
A reliability compliance according to Appendix I to AMC M.A.302 and AMC M.B.301 (b) (Content of the maintenance programme), point 6 shall be demonstrated to Austro Control GmbH.
- non-complex motor-powered aircraft
- 2 or more turboprop engines and
- a maximum certified take-off mass between 2.730 and 5.700 kg
Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) for
- complex motor-powered aircraft and/or
- aircraft used in commercial air transport (CAT, NCC).
AMP / IHP Application
The application for the approval of an aircraft maintenance programme shall be submitted to the relevant department of Austro Control GmbH or, accompanied by the following documents:The application for the approval of an aircraft maintenance programme shall be submitted to the relevant department of Austro Control GmbH or , accompanied by the following documents:
- completely filled and singed IHP-form
- aircraft maintenance programme acc. M.A.302 of Regulation (EU) Nr. 1321/2014
- completely filled and singed AMP-form
- aircraft maintenance programme acc. M.A.302 of Regulation (EU) Nr. 1321/2014
- AMP Compliance Checklist
- Tire Pressure Monitoring Program
IHP Preparation and Approval
Austro Control GmbH provides an optional form for the preparation of an IHP according M.A.302 of Regulation (EU) 1321/2014.Template Maintenance Programme Part-M
The Maintenance Programm (IHP) and all subsequent revisions must be approved
- by Austro Control GmbH or
- by a CAMO / CAO with an indirect approval privilege.
AMP Preparation and Approval
For complex motor-powered aircraft and/or aircraft used in commercial air transport the preparation of an Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) document acc. M.A.302 of Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 is necessary.Austro Control GmbH provides the following standardised Aircraft Maintenance Programme Checklist for the preparation of an AMP.
The Aircraft Maintenance Programme Checklist provides a guideline for the preparation, content and structure of an Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) and also serves as an “AMP Compliance Checklist” related to Appendix I of AMC M.A.302 and AMC M.B.301 (b) - “Content of the maintenance programme” of Regulation (EU) 1321/2014.
It shall be submitted in an up-to-date version whenever the Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) will be directly approved and it’s completeness shall be confirmed by the responsible PCA. The column „AMP reference“ resp. „Task reference“ needs to be completed or a reason if something is not applicable must be stated. The specific points and procedures shall be either covered in the AMP (aircraft- or fleet-specific) or in the CAME (across the fleet). Therefore, provide the AMP- and/or CAME-reference number (only the reference to the AMP or CAME is insufficient).
The Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) and all subsequent revisions must be
- submitted to Austro Control GmbH for approval or
- approved by a CAMO / CAO with an appropriate indirect approval privilege.
AMP / IHP Indirect Approval
If the continuing airworthiness is managed by an organisation which is approved according- Section A Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M) or
- Annex Vc (Part-CAMO) or
- Annex Vd (Teil-CAO) (only for IHP)
- if a limited contract between the operator and such an organisation acc. M.A.201 (i) (3) is established (only for IHP)
(Only applicable when both the aircraft and the CAMO / CAO are under supervision by the same EASA member state)
Annual Review
The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews (at least annually) and amended accordingly when necessary. These reviews shall ensure that the programme continues to be valid in light of the operating experience and instructions from the competent authority whilst taking into account new and/or modified maintenance instructions promulgated by the type certificate and supplementary type certificate holders and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) 748/2012.- IHP: the annual review shall be confirmed and enclosed to the aircraft records after completion
- AMP shall be reviewed according to the following (and if necessary adapted) list and enclosed in the CAME including the relevant procedures: Annual Review Checklist
Reliability Programme
For complex motor-powered aircraft, when the maintenance programme is based on maintenance steering group logic (MSG-3) or on condition monitoring, the aircraft maintenance programme shall include a reliability programme.- The purpose of a reliability programme is to ensure that the aircraft maintenance programme tasks are effective, and their periodicity is adequate.
- A reliability programme provides an appropriate means of monitoring the effectiveness of the maintenance programme.
A reliability compliance according to Appendix I to AMC M.A.302 and AMC M.B.301 (b) (Content of the maintenance programme), point 6 shall be demonstrated to Austro Control GmbH.
Simplified Reliability Programme
For small fleets (< 6 LFZ aircraft of the same type) a simplified reliability-monitoring-programme - see also LTH 60A - may be applied and shall be included in the CAME cross-fleet.For all aircraft which are
The responsibility for the maintenance programme lies with
Templates for the preparation of a Part-ML maintenance programme can be found in AMC2 to ML.A.302 in the EASA Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Regulation (EU) 1321/2014. Austro Control GmbH provides a fillable template for a Part-ML maintenance programme:
Template Maintenance Programme Part-ML
Maintenance programmes approved prior to the inception of Part-ML remain valid. All changes or deviations to the maintenance programme require a re-issue (approval or declaration) of the maintenance programme acc. Part-ML.
Also one-time deviations to a Part-ML maintenance programme must either be approved by the responsible CAMO / CAO or declared by the owner / operator.
- not within the scope of Part-M and
- not within the scope of LTH 43C icw § 48 ZLLV 2010 (Annex I-A/C)
- declared by the owner where the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is not managed by a CAMO or CAO; or
- approved by the CAMO or CAO responsible for managing the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.
The responsibility for the maintenance programme lies with
- the owner or operator who is responsible for managing the continuing airworthiness or
- the CAMO or CAO with which a contract for managing the continunng airworthiness has been established.
Templates for the preparation of a Part-ML maintenance programme can be found in AMC2 to ML.A.302 in the EASA Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Regulation (EU) 1321/2014. Austro Control GmbH provides a fillable template for a Part-ML maintenance programme:
Template Maintenance Programme Part-ML
Maintenance programmes approved prior to the inception of Part-ML remain valid. All changes or deviations to the maintenance programme require a re-issue (approval or declaration) of the maintenance programme acc. Part-ML.
Also one-time deviations to a Part-ML maintenance programme must either be approved by the responsible CAMO / CAO or declared by the owner / operator.
Aircraft Maintenance Programme (IHP) for all national aircraft according LTH 43C icw § 48 ZLLV 2010
This Airworthiness Notice (LTH) regulates the different options for approvals of maintenance programmes for OE-registered Annex I aircraft.
Appendix A and B of this LTH contain forms for the development of an Aircraft Maintenance Programme iaw. § 48 paragraph 2 ZLLV 2010.
- Maintenance Programme Standard without deviations to the manufacturer’s specifications and without pilot/owner maintenance
- Maintenance Programme Individual with deviations to the manufacturer’s specifications and/or pilot/owner maintenance
IHP Application
The application for the approval of an aircraft maintenance programme shall be submitted to the relevant department of Austro Control GmbH or including the following documents:- IHP Standard:
- a completed and signed IHP-Form (FO_LFA_AIR_021) acc. LTH 43C Appendix A
- IHP Individual:
- a completed and signed IHP-Form (FO_LFA_AIR_022) acc. LTH 43C Appendix B
IHP Development and Approval
The provisions of Airworthiness Notice No. 43C icw ZLLV 2010 are applicable for Annex I aircraft.This Airworthiness Notice (LTH) regulates the different options for approvals of maintenance programmes for OE-registered Annex I aircraft.
Appendix A and B of this LTH contain forms for the development of an Aircraft Maintenance Programme iaw. § 48 paragraph 2 ZLLV 2010.
- Maintenance Programme Standards: HP according to the manufacturer’s (TC holder) specifications without deviations and without pilot/owner maintenance according Appendix A of LTH 43C icw § 48 paragraph 2 ZLLV 2010
- Maintenance Programme Individuell: IHP according to the manufacturer’s (TC holder) specifications with deviations, amendments or changes to the manufacturer’s specifications and/or pilot/owner maintenance according Appendix B of LTH 43C icw § 48 paragraph 2 ZLLV 2010
Annual Review
The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews (at least annually) and amended accordingly when necessary. These reviews shall ensure that the programme continues to be valid in light of the operating experience and instructions from the competent authority whilst taking into account new and/or modified maintenance instructions promulgated by the type certificate and supplementary type certificate holders and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.- IHP-Standard: the complete IHP incl. commitment of the owner shall be reviewed
- IHP-Individual: the annual review shall be confirmed and enclosed to the aircraft records after completion
Your IHP/AMP will be reviewed by the department AOT/AIR respectively PGA of Austro Control GmbH. You will receive contact details of the dedicated your surveyor after assignment of your application. Possible objections will be announced to you by a review report. You shall complete the review report and return it along with the amended IHP/AMP to the surveyor. If the IHP/AMP is in compliance with the legal requirements, it could be approved by a legal decision.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 | "Basic Regulation", Provisions for the establishment of common regulations for civil aviation |
Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 | Regulations on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft |
Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 | Implementing Rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organizations |
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 | Technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations |
ZLLV 2010 | Civil Aircraft and Civil Aviation Equipment Regulation |
ACGV | Fees for the services of Austro Control GmbH |