Austro Control international (ACGi)


Austro Control GmbH international

ACGi is a 100% subsidiary of Austro Control and provides training, consultancy and project support to civil aviation organisations. Our focus is naturally in the area of aviation regulation and its implementation. Our services are available to all organisations, regardless of whether they transport passengers, manufacture aircraft, maintain them, or if you are yourself an authority, we would like to be your training partner. ACGi has experienced instructors and specialists with both regulatory and industry background in almost all areas of aviation.

How we can help you manage your challenge?

  • Aviation regulation is rapidly expanding due to the extension of EASA remits.
  • The regulatory landscape is changing to accommodate new concepts:
    • performance based oversight
    • safety and risk management
    • organisation requirements
    • new categories of aircraft (ELA/ UAS/GYROCOPTER etc.)
  • The aviation industry faces a huge challenge in fulilling the new trainings standards. Only those companies with sufficient “know how”, can survive in this difficult market. Create your competitive advantage.
  • Every company has individual needs in respect to training. We can adjust our course to fulfil your needs.

Don’t be shy to get in touch with us. Together we can create tailor-made solutions for your company.



For more information, please contact:

Wilhelm Jagritsch
Managing Director
Phone: +43 (0) 51703 1630

Josef Rosenthaler
Managing Director
Phone: +43 (0) 51703 9450


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