Requirements of helicopters used in ambulance and emergency medical service operation | BTH A-001 | 2009-12-2828.12.2009 |
Installation of "Standard Parts" | LTH 56 | 2011-03-0101.03.2011 |
Specification for the installation of "Standard Parts" | LTH 56 - Attachment A | 2011-03-0101.03.2011 |
Volcanic ash | LTH 55B | 2013-12-0202.12.2013 |
Formal approval of Part 66 personnel and ARC recommendation for ELA1 aircraft | LTH 54 | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Recommendation for ARC | LTH 54 - Attachment A | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Document review checklist (Aircraft data) | LTH 54 - Attachment B1 | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Document review checklist (Hot-air balloon) | LTH 54 - Attachment B3 | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Physical review checklist (Aircraft data) | LTH 54 - Attachment C1 | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Physical review checklist (Hot-air balloon) | LTH 54 - Attachment C3 | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Finding list | LTH 54 - Attachment D | 2009-03-2727.03.2009 |
Application for formal approval | LTH 54 - Attachment E | 2015-12-1515.12.2015 |
Application for ARC recommendation | LTH 54 - Attachment F | 2015-12-1515.12.2015 |
List of approved certifying staff | LTH 54 - Attachment G | 2010-07-0707.07.2010 |
Verkürzte Grabtest-Intervalle für Silz-Heißluftballongewebe | LTH 39 | 2005-04-2828.04.2005 |
Austauschbarkeit (interchangeability) von Heißluftballon-Baukomponenten | LTH 37 | 2003-04-1616.04.2003 |
Verifizierung der Startleistung von Triebwerken | LTH 29 | 1999-11-1818.11.1999 |
Betrieb im NAT MNPSA (North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace) | LTH 25 | 1999-06-1111.06.1999 |
Instandhaltung und periodische Nachprüfungen von Freiballonen | LTH 24A | 2001-04-1717.04.2001 |
Basic Area Navigation (B-RNAV) Einführung | LTH 21 | 1998-03-1616.03.1998 |
RVSM Einführung | LTH 18B | 2001-06-2929.06.2001 |
Tankablaßventile der Cessna 150 bis 210 | LTH 12A | 1993-09-0707.09.1993 |
Durchführung von Instandhaltungsanweisungen und Überholungen | LTH 07A | 2006-03-1515.03.2006 |
Notsender (ELT) | | 2025-02-1414.02.2025 |
Requirements for accredidation of helicopter flight operations personnel | BTA A-002 | 2008-10-3030.10.2008 |
Information sheet for aviation personnel | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016 - Attachment 1 | 2016-07-2828.07.2016 |
Annual return | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016 - Attachment 2 | 2016-07-2828.07.2016 |
Facilities for aeromedical institutions | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016 - Attachment 3 | 2016-07-2828.07.2016 |
Psychological questionnaire | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016, Attachment 4 | 2016-07-2828.07.2016 |
Submission of operating reports by DTOs and ATOs | ZPH FCL 6, Rev. 1 | 2019-12-1919.12.2019 |
Operating report | ZPH FCL 6 - Attachment 1 | 2019-12-1919.12.2019 |
Qualifikationsanforderungen an Leitungspersonal von Luftfahrtunternehmen | BTA A-001 | 2008-10-3131.10.2008 |
Notification - proposed change of management personnel | BTA A-001 - Attachment 1 | 2008-10-3131.10.2008 |
Request for Issuance of EU compliant Aircraft Certificates | LTH 53 - Appendix | 2015-11-1818.11.2015 |
Examiner standardisation courses ("Alternative Means of Compliance") | | 2025-02-1414.02.2025 |
Exemption according Art 14 (4) of Reg (EC) No 216/2008 from CAT.IDE.A.205 (a)(3) and (b)(2) of Reg (EU) No 965/2012 | BTH A-003 | 2015-12-1010.12.2015 |
Renewal of class and type ratings | ZPH FCL 3, Rev. 1 | 2015-01-0909.01.2015 |
Minimum number of authorised persons in the flight crew compartment | BTA A-004 | 2015-03-2727.03.2015 |
Airworthiness requirements for the operation of model aircraft, air balloons and airships with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Certification specification LTS-B for air balloons with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Attachment B | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Certification specification LTS-L for airships with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Attachment L | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Certification specification LTS-R for rotary wing model aircraft with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Attachment R | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Certification specification LTS-S for fixed wing model aircraft with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Attachment S | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Operating limitations for the operation of model aircraft, air balloons and airships with an operating mass exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Attachment E | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Data placard | LTH 70 - Attachment D | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Permissible noise levels order | LTH 70 - Attachment N | 2015-10-0606.10.2015 |
Operation of model aircraft exceeding 25 kg but lower than 150 kg | LTH 70 - Application form | 2015-11-1818.11.2015 |
To aero-medical examiners and centres - implementation of the aeromedical requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, as amended, and Regulation (EU) 2015/340 as amended | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016, Rev. 2 | 2019-06-1616.06.2019 |
Exemption for flights according to Article 6(3) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 | LTH 71 | 2017-04-1414.04.2017 |
Determination of high risk commercial specialised operations | BTH A-007 | 2017-07-3131.07.2017 |
Exemption regarding the operational rules of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 for balloons | BTH A-008 | 2018-07-0505.07.2018 |
Requirement for Accreditation as Aviation Psychologist (AAP) | ZPH MED 4 | 2019-06-1818.06.2019 |
Requirements for accreditation as Aviation Psychologist (AAP) according to Reg. (EU) No. 1178/2011 respectively Reg. (EU) 2015/340 and Reg. (EU) No. 965/2012 | ZPH MED 4 - Attachment 1 | 2019-06-1818.06.2019 |
Operational Measures regarding COVID-19 | BTH A-011 | 2020-07-1515.07.2020 |
Additional information to ZPH FCL 16 (Measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) | Additional information ZPH FCL 16, Rev. 2 | 2020-07-0808.07.2020 |
Betrieb von Flugzeugen mit Auto-Superbenzin (MOGAS) | LTH 01 | 1983-11-3030.11.1983 |
Bordapotheken | LTH 03A | 1984-11-1313.11.1984 |
Zulassung von Triebwerken und Luftschrauben | LTH 04 | 1987-11-0202.11.1987 |
Aufhebung und Änderung von Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisungen | LTH 05 | 1988-06-2323.06.1988 |
Zulassung von Freiballonen und deren Ausrüstung | LTH 08 | 1989-10-3131.10.1989 |
Zulassung von Freiballonen und deren Ausrüstung | LTH 08A | 1991-01-2323.01.1991 |
Freigabe-(Prüf-)Bescheinigung | LTH 09B | 2001-02-1212.02.2001 |
Ein- und Ausbau von Triebwerken eigenstartfähiger und nichteigenstartfähiger Motorsegler | LTH 10 | 1991-02-2828.02.1991 |
Hängegleiter und Paragleiter | LTH 11 | 1991-10-1010.10.1991 |
Überholungszeiträume von Luftfahrzeugen und Zulassungspflichtigem Luftfahrtgerät | LTH 13 | 1993-03-3131.03.1993 |
ICAO-Annex 10 — Interference Immunity | LTH 14C | 1998-10-2222.10.1998 |
GPS | LTH 15 | 1996-01-0909.01.1996 |
Fallschirme | LTH 19 | 1997-09-2626.09.1997 |
Erweiterung des Frequenzbereiches im Flugfunkband | LTH 20 | 1998-02-2020.02.1998 |
Jahr 2000 Konformität | LTH 23 | 1998-10-1212.10.1998 |
Zulassung von motorisierten Hänge- und Paragleitern | LTH 30 | 2001-02-2020.02.2001 |
Austausch von Sitzbezügen/Bodenbelegen in Luftfahrzeugen | LTH 34 | 2001-06-2020.06.2001 |
Ausländische Fallschirmspringerberechtigungen, deutsche Tandemstückprüfungen und Fallschirmkomponenten | LTH 38 | 2002-12-0505.12.2002 |
Tandemfallschirmspringen | LTH 45 | 2006-04-1111.04.2006 |
Musterprüfung, Stückprüfung, Nachprüfung, Instandhaltung, Herstellung sowie zulässige Verwendung von Tragschraubern in Österreich | LTH 50 | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Zusätzliche Forderungen zur BCAR Section T | LTH 50 - Anhang A | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Muster Flug- und Betriebshandbuch | LTH 50 - Anhang D | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Mindestausrüstung für Tragschrauber | LTH 50 - Anhang E | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Anforderungen an Entwicklungs- und Herstellungsbetriebe | LTH 50 - Anhang F | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Fragebogen zur Herstellungsqualität | LTH 50 - Anhang G | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Lärmzulässigkeit von Tragschraubern | LTH 50 - Anhang H | 2010-02-0404.02.2010 |
Qualifizierung und Betrieb von Synthetischen Flugübungsgeräten (Flight Synthetic Training Devices- FSTD) in Österreich | LTH 52 | 2009-02-0606.02.2009 |
Austausch der Bordpapiere gem. EU Verordnung | LTH 53A | 2009-08-1313.08.2009 |
Ausländische Fallschirmspringerberechtigungen | LTH 57 | 2010-10-0101.10.2010 |
Operational Follow-Up Measures regarding COVID-19 | BTH A-014 | 2020-11-0909.11.2020 |
Measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic | ZPH FCL 16, Rev. 1 | 2020-07-0808.07.2020 |
Examination of Colour vision of air crew | ZPH MED 2, Rev. 3 | 2019-01-0808.01.2019 |
Examination of Colour vision of air crew | ZPH MED 2, Rev. 2 | 2018-05-2222.05.2018 |
Examination of Colour vision of air crew | ZPH MED 2, Rev. 1 | 2016-12-2121.12.2016 |
Examination of colour vision of air crew | ZPH MED 2, Rev. 0 | 2016-02-1616.02.2016 |
Pilots with diabetes - derogation according to ARA.MED.330 | ZPH MED 3, Rev. 0 | 2016-12-2222.12.2016 |
Pilots with diabetes - derogation according to ARA.MED.330 | ZPH MED 3, Rev. 1 | 2017-11-2121.11.2017 |
PBN - Performance-Based Navigation | ZPH FCL 14, Rev. 0 | 2017-03-0808.03.2017 |
PBN - Performance-Based Navigation | ZPH FCL 14, Rev. 1 | 2018-09-2121.09.2018 |
Measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic | ZPH FCL 16, Rev. 0 | 2020-03-2323.03.2020 |
Aerobatic rating training program for the aeroplane category | ZPH FCL 11, Rev. 0 | 2015-01-2828.01.2015 |
ATO (Approved Training Organisation) approval according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 PART-ORA | ZPH FCL 1, Rev. 0 | 2013-04-0808.04.2013 |
ATO (Approved Training Organisation) approval according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 PART-ORA | ZPH FCL 1, Rev. 1 | 2013-11-1313.11.2013 |
ATO (Approved Training Organisation) approval according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 PART-ORA | ZPH FCL 1, Rev. 2 | 2014-03-0707.03.2014 |
Maintenance LOG-BOOK | ZPH Part 66 - 1, Rev. 0 | 2013-07-0101.07.2013 |
Combined LPC/OPC Check form for commercial operators | ZPH FCL 4, Rev. 0 | 2014-02-2424.02.2014 |
Application of Acceptable Means of Compliance as well as possibility of developing alternative means of compliance | ZPH GEN 1, Rev. 0 | 2013-04-0404.04.2013 |
Application of Acceptable Means of Compliance as well as possibility of developing alternative means of compliance | ZPH GEN 1, Rev. 1 | 2013-06-1717.06.2013 |
Regulation for AMEs | ZPH MED 1, Rev. 0 | 2013-04-0808.04.2013 |
Regulation for AMEs | ZPH MED 1, Rev. 2 | 2014-11-0505.11.2014 |
Regulation for AMEs | ZPH MED 1, Rev. 1 | 2013-06-1717.06.2013 |
PPL(A) Theoretical Training Syllabus | ZPH FCL 13, Rev. 0 | 2017-02-1717.02.2017 |
FEM (Flight Examiner's Manual) | ZPH FCL 5, Rev. 0 | 2014-02-0404.02.2014 |
Submission of operating reports by ATOs | ZPH FCL 6, Rev. 0 | 2014-02-0101.02.2014 |
Additional information to ZPH FCL 16 (Measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) | Additional information ZPH FCL 16, Rev. 0 | 2020-03-2424.03.2020 |
Additional information to ZPH FCL 16 (Measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) | Additional information ZPH FCL 16, Rev. 1 | 2020-05-0606.05.2020 |
Guideline for the Establishment of an LAB (Language Assessment Body) and Certification of LPEs/LPLEs | ZPH FCL 8, Rev. 0 | 2014-05-0707.05.2014 |
Guideline for the Establishment of an LAB (Language Assessment Body) and Certification of LPEs/LPLEs | ZPH FCL 8, Rev. 1 | 2014-10-2222.10.2014 |
Guideline for the Establishment of an LAB (Language Assessment Body) and Certification of LPEs/LPLEs | ZPH FCL 8, Rev. 2 | 2016-02-1212.02.2016 |
Guideline for the Establishment of an LAB (Language Assessment Body) and Certification of LPEs/LPLEs | ZPH FCL 8, Rev. 3 | 2017-05-1111.05.2017 |
Assessment Procedures for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | ZPH FCL 7, Rev. 0 | 2014-05-0707.05.2014 |
Assessment Procedures for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | ZPH FCL 7, Rev. 1 | 2014-10-2222.10.2014 |
Assessment Procedures for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | ZPH FCL 7, Rev. 2 | 2016-02-1212.02.2016 |
Assessment Procedures for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | ZPH FCL 7, Rev. 3 | 2017-05-1111.05.2017 |
Assessment Procedures for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | ZPH FCL 7, Rev. 4 | 2018-02-0202.02.2018 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 0 | 2014-10-1010.10.2014 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 1 | 2014-11-0606.11.2014 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 2 | 2014-12-1717.12.2014 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 3 | 2015-06-1717.06.2015 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 4 | 2016-04-1515.04.2016 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 5 | 2016-06-2222.06.2016 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 6 | 2018-08-0202.08.2018 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 0 | 2013-04-0808.04.2013 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 1 | 2013-05-1616.05.2013 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 2 | 2013-08-0606.08.2013 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 3 | 2013-08-2626.08.2013 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 4 | 2014-03-1919.03.2014 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 5 | 2015-04-0808.04.2015 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 6 | 2015-04-0909.04.2015 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 7 | 2015-04-1515.04.2015 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 8 | 2016-04-2525.04.2016 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 9 | 2017-03-0808.03.2017 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 10 | 2017-12-2020.12.2017 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 11 | 2018-03-2828.03.2018 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 12 | 2019-05-2020.05.2019 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 13 | 2019-06-1212.06.2019 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 15 | 2020-04-0303.04.2020 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 14 | 2019-11-1111.11.2019 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 0 | 2012-08-2121.08.2012 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 1 | 2012-08-3030.08.2012 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 2 | 2012-09-1313.09.2012 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 3 | 2014-10-1010.10.2014 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 4 | 2015-01-1616.01.2015 |
Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Rev. 5 | 2016-05-1212.05.2016 |
Examples for Endorsements on licences by examiners | ZPA ACG/FCL/01-2012, Attachment 1, Rev. 0 | 2012-08-2121.08.2012 |
Renewal of class and type ratings | ZPH FCL 3, Rev. 0 | 2014-12-1717.12.2014 |
Ultra light aircraft | LTH 17C | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Forderungen für Segelflugzeugschlepp | LTH 17C - Attachment A | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Forderungen für Bannerschlepp | LTH 17C - Attachment B | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Forderung für "Elektronische Flugüberwachungsanzeigen und Instrumente (EFIS)" | LTH 17C - Attachment C | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Forderungen für den Einbau von Autopiloten | LTH 17C - Attachment D | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Forderungen für die Verwendung von Lithium Batterien | LTH 17C - Attachment E | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Mindestanforderungen an den Herstellungsstandard | LTH 17C - Attachment F | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Fragebogen zur Herstellungsqualität | LTH 17C - Attachment G | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Konformitätserklärung | LTH 17C - Attachment H | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Muster Flug- und Betriebshandbuch | LTH 17C - Attachment I | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Mindestausrüstung für Ultraleichtflugzeuge | LTH 17C - Attachment J | 2019-10-1010.10.2019 |
Examination of Colour vision of air crew | ZPH MED 2, Rev. 4 | 2021-02-2323.02.2021 |
To aero-medical examiners and centres - implementation of the aeromedical requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, as amended, and Regulation (EU) 2015/340 as amended | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016, Rev. 1 | 2023-03-3030.03.2023 |
Comprehensive Mental Health Assessments | ZPA ACG/MED/01-2016 - Attachment 2 | 2019-06-1616.06.2019 |
Introduction of the „Aircrew Regulation“ Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 | ZPH FCL 2, Rev. 16 | 2020-07-0808.07.2020 |
Cleaning and disinfection of aircraft due to COVID-19 | BTH A-015, Rev. 1 | 2021-07-1616.07.2021 |
Cleaning and disinfection of aircraft due to COVID-19 | BTH A-015, Rev. 0 | 2021-06-0202.06.2021 |
Issue and keeping of records regarding cabin crew attestations | BTH A-013 | 2020-08-0303.08.2020 |
Sample Template Cabin Crew Attestations acc. BTH No. A-013 | BTH A-013, Attachment 1 | 2020-08-0303.08.2020 |
Airworthiness and operational requirements for class 1 unmanned aircraft | LBTH 67, Rev. 4 | 2020-12-1515.12.2020 |
Scenarios for operation of unmanned aircraft | LBTH 67 - Attachment S | 2020-12-1515.12.2020 |
Pipistrel Virus Electro SW 128 – Operations | BTH A-016 | 2021-11-0202.11.2021 |
Eich- und kalibrierpflichtige Messmittel | LTH 26 | 2010-12-0101.12.2010 |
Examiner standardisation courses | ZPH FCL 10, Rev. 8 | 2018-08-0202.08.2018 |
Procedure for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to Reg (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e) | | 2025-02-1414.02.2025 |
Pilots with diabetes - derogation according to ARA.MED.330 | CAD MED 3, Rev. 2 | 2017-11-2121.11.2017 |
Parachutes | LTH 58A | 2024-06-1010.06.2024 |
Emergency parachutes | LTH 31B | 2024-06-1010.06.2024 |
Winches and accessories for launching of sailplanes | LTH 28A | 2020-10-0909.10.2020 |
On-the-Job Training (OJT) acc. Part-66 Appendix III Point 6 | ZPH GEN 2, Rev. 1 | 2024-05-1515.05.2024 |
On-the-Job Training (OJT) acc. Part-66 Appendix III Point 6 | ZPH GEN 2, Rev. 0 | 2013-07-0404.07.2013 |